Full Version: I'm back
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For close to three days I did nothing but smoke pot, drink beer & eat like pig. I got minimal rest & I'm gonna crash hard soon, but goddamn this weekend kicked ass.
arpi missed you
and I missed him.
we all know you were just laying low from a tunnel cop
I bet it was like brokeback mountain but at mr airy lodge.
not really, no.
Is your brother in law cut?
I have no idea.
I bet it involved a lot of homosexual sex with other men
all that man ass must have him dizzy
The Sleeper Wrote:I bet it involved a lot of homosexual sex with other men

girls don't have homosexual sex.
Keyser Soze Wrote:we all know you were just laying low from a tunnel cop

I was, but I still felt a sense of trepidation at each EZ-Pass drive thru.
Good thing all those fumes make them stoopid.
yeah, they're the silly ones!!!