Full Version: hey Charlie Manson
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If you want to impress, take down some gangbangers on their turf. That is, if you have the balls.
It would really be impressive if you killed your mother in law and all your stupid aunts.
It'd be impressive if he figured out the 3 seashells.
I'm going over to Sleepers, and I'm going to blow him!
Sounds like a gay olde time.
i can't wait!
GonzoStyle Wrote:It'd be impressive if he figured out the 3 seashells.

or at least he gets a couple of violations of the Verbal Morality Statute.
does this make us accessories?
you can be the purse

badum bum!
where are you? i've had my cock out for 4 hours
sleepers finally gonna get it!
Demolition Man references are not very becoming of you guys.
star wars geek!!!
The only good thing about that movie was it fortold Arnold Schwarzeneggers rise to political power.
Benny Burrito sure is ornery lately.
I see your attempt at jokes and humor are still fresh and original.
very bitter, he must miss his old roomie.
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