Full Version: Design a CDIH sticker!
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We've finally found our niche.
I like sticky things!!!
I need these on my doorstep prior to 3/18 so I can paint Amsterdam
Gimme your address, i'll deliver them...
We can talk about how brilliant bloodyanus is and trade suzie stories, twill be a funnnn!!!
Look how Galt sets a hard deadline for things he wants done. I can see why Alkey wants him in charge of the business side of things.
<img src="">
So if people PM me their mailing addresses, I'll do my best to find something to print them on.

Can't guarantee Galt any stickers by the 18th though.
of all the fuckin gems I have dropped, THAT'S the one you pick.
it was clearly the most memorable
That's like DeNiro being remembered for Rocky & Bullwinkle
he should've won Best Actor for that role - fuckin' snobbish Academy!!!!
i want stickers too
gonzo's post abot jerking off to his mothers home made porno and having her walk in on him is the greatest post ever.

i cant believe it wasnt a contender.
turn it into a sound bite that will fit on a sticker
already tried.
it cannot be condensed without diminishing the rimshot.
i wonder if this ever happened
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