Full Version: Design a CDIH sticker!
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You'll get your forty acres and mule before you'll see a sticker.
who was Danked?
some douchebag
damn, what happened to him?
vermont is an evil place
apparently - perhaps there's still a chance, we should go there & rescue him!
Damn smelly hippies. He must be trapped in a evil cult/commune surrounded by easy diseased hippie sluts. Damn him.
he's definitely involved in some shady marijuana growing operation like the one in the episode of lost last week.
worst episode ever.
it was quite disappointing aside from the fact evangeline lily was in it.
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nada, wanna get some stickers? or we can just keep using sugar packets.
The sticker labels I bought were uber-crappy.

And I'm not ordering a lot of 250.

I did save all of them though..... they're here somewhere.
were they vinyl, or some paper jammies?
Paper jammies.
who are you?
why does it smell like patchouli in here?
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