Your carnivorous vagina sucks.
lush Wrote:All of Jersey sucks, period.
you didn't think so when you were making out with that mexican
Im saddened by the possibility that Sleeper might be leaving Queens.
it's not just a possibility
Have you ever thought of renting a house with some of your pals?
Galt Wrote:I think it's underrated.
I almost worked for Merril Lynch there. It's just as convenient to get to NY as Hoboken and it's cheaper, so you can get a much bigger place.
Galts right on this assessment. Excellent area to live. Key is to be closer to the water.
It has a lot of fucking ATMs.
I'll give you a tour once you're moved in.
I'd move just for the tour.
The tour involves a minimal amount of sexual activity.
Much like Sleeper's life...
The tour involves spending a night at herberts.
It's better than the Wheeler's tour of Brooklyn.
I took him on a real tour, we almost went to coney but seph got a case of being white.
I'm so glad that Alkey will finally be my best friend
not unless he can drink you
Anything to get away from his responsibilities
Drinking is whole point of life.
Only a crackhead would have made all that noise about dots
This is gonna' be uber sweet.
no one cares how you feel, freak