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can someone explain why this was heralded as such a brilliant film? Granted it's a very entertaining movie but I don't see what this big deal was about it being some groundbreaking piece of film making. The whole point seeminly being the different levels of violence and how some may be acceptable and in other cases it's just violence, as well as how acceptable and even applauded it's become. But at the same time it seems this movie was liked by so many because it's so violent, not for any message.

Plus Galt has said that the bush shot in Dark Water was gratuitous and pointless but the scene of maria bello walking out with her robe wide open was completely pointless... shave that shit!
I didnt see it, nor do I plan on seeing it.
i really enjoyed that movie. i think it was just heralded as a cinematic masterpiece because it was by kronenberg. the original graphic novel is actually pretty stupid & annoying. the angle the movie took was much better. i think everyone should see it just because it was pretty entertaining.
i plan on seeing it.
Im waiting till Beth buys it so I can borrow it off her.
i just saw this movie today, i found it to quite entertaining.
I didnt think it was anything special. I thought william hurt came into the film way to late. And i wish they gave more back story between Tom and Fogarty. the ending seemed to be thrown together.
the backstory in the graphic novel is pretty stupid. the movie is better without the other two chapters of the book.
It was pretty sweet, especially the borderline rape scene.