Full Version: Board persona's and posting styles - Keepin it real or playing a role?
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Quote:And no joke is completely without truth.
Sorry Ladi, but that's a stupid thing to say. I could rattle off a few dozen people who have jokes about them that aren't true, but they play along with it because it's funny.

What you see is what you get with me. Some day's I'm worse, Some days I'm better. My posting changes with my mood. It's as k1d said, I just kind of speak off of the top of my mind. If I say something stupid and get tooled on for it, well then so be it. That's me. Take it of leave it.
There are a few things (very few) that I keep off the board, but not because it's some alternate version of me.
Nobody believes me, but I am actually the second coming of Christ. I tried being all honest and open about it but no one really gets it.

Honestly, and this isn't a slight on a soul, but I truely don't give a flying rats ass what anyone thinks is the truth about me. It doesn't even register on my acomplishment list. To quote the famous sailor: I yam what I yam and thats all that I yam.
Quote:Sorry Ladi, but that's a stupid thing to say. I could rattle off a few dozen people who have jokes about them that aren't true, but they play along with it because it's funny.
Thank you, I appreciate that sentiment. And I didn't mean every joke, tool. {Big Grin} Sure some are completely fake, most are really exagerated, some grew out of something real. :poke: Whatever, it's just something I said at the moment. :crackhead:
Maynard, I wouldn't say Ladi said something stupid, it's just how she percieves it.
I mean the jokes about her...damn, If any of those had even an inkling of truth...
Quote:I yam what I yam and thats all that I yam.
You are Bruce Springsteen's butt?
Quote:I think most of us are pretty much the same here and in real life. I think some people like to joke around, but that's the type of person they are.

No one likes fake people.

exactly, couldn't have said it better myself.
To explain the joke to you would be a waste of valuable recourses that I can not do with out.


oh, and fuck you for good measures:fu:
Quote:Nobody believes me, but I am actually the second coming of Christ. I tried being all honest and open about it but no one really gets it.

i believe you sean :tribe:

Edited By Cunt-Twat on April 08 2002 at 9:40
HAHA! CT fucked her whole post up. Teeheehee!
Cunt Twat said...
Quote:what i post is 100% me

Maynard said...
Quote:HAHA! CT fucked her whole post up. Teeheehee!

are you trying to say cunt-twat is fucked up in real life?

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 08 2002 at 9:29
Quote:are you trying to say cunt-twat is fucked up in real life?
You've obviously never met her. :roflmao:

are you trying to say cunt-twat is fucked up in real life?

You've obviously never met her.
thanks may!! :bouncer:
Oh shut up whoooooah!
Quote:I could rattle off a few dozen people who have jokes about them that aren't true, but they play along with it because it's funny.

[Image: 645232.jpg]

Nope still not funny! {:p}
actually, yes, yes it is.:firebounce:
I don't even remember my real name anymore.
Your name is Tommy
he's a stoner AND sure plays a mean pinball.
Quote:Oh shut up whoooooah!

Big Grin
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