Full Version: Board persona's and posting styles - Keepin it real or playing a role?
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Quote:but i really am this stupid
Out of the mouth of babes. :punch:
I am Hannibal Lecter Confusedtupid:
Amy is too hard on herself. She isnt stupid. Slightly retarded yes...but not stupid. {:p}
Quote:Slightly retarded yes...but not stupid

Snuk, you just described everyone here.....well, except for Ken...he is seriously retarded..and stupid.
LOL...and me metal..i believe i really am stupid :disappointed:
Amy's not dumb, she's like an old watch. She just needs someone to stick in their key and wind her up again. :fucking:

Just being me. Well, as much of me as simple text can convey anyway. I'm much more interesting in person. Well, I'd have to be right? :moonie: Confusedleeper:
Quote:Snuk, you just described everyone here.....well, except for Ken...he is seriously retarded..and stupid.
I'm sorry, LZMF1 is by far the biggest retard here.

Sluggo, I stand corrected......looks like we have a tie for first in the Head Tard contest....grand prize...a new hockey helmet :bouncer:

[Image: helmet.gif]
just make sure it is a XXXXXL to fit my giant mutant retard head.
i am actually pretty opposite in real life.. i am pretty shy around people i dont know personally , so i tend to get quiet on here and not post a lot. in real life,i am a loudmouth who is always going out, and hanging out and can get pretty obnoxious , and i have a warped sick sense of humor.
I dunno...I'm me, I don't think much different than in real life?

I think it was Kid who was right on about my posting style: Can hang with the boys, but stays out of all their pissing contests. :toast:
Well, if we are being all serious and shit, I've lost all sense of what is online and IRL.
BM, I lost the line that seperates the two looong ago.
Quote:I'm sorry, LZMF1 is by far the biggest retard here

<table style=filter:glow(color=red)>I RULE THE KINGDOM OF RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!</table>

ken's pen is a mere court jester
You're King Nothing.
In the Land of the Blind,
Brokenjaw is King.
Wouldn't the biggest retard, in fact, rule NOTHING?!? :complain:
No one knows me. But I am taller in real life
Normally, yes...... but we have so many Retards, you's even made a Bus to keep them on. :poke: :crackhead: :helpme:
Must be the biggest short bus in history, huh? :fart:
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