Full Version: Psycho's: do we need them?
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A shitty thing someone I dated for a while did to me was dump me right after we had sex telling me he liked the single version of himself better than the relationship version of himself. I wouldn't have cared so much if I were dressed when this happened...and to top it off, after this happened, he told some girl I raped him.
exs rule and they stink simultaneously!!!

they rule because when you see them you get to laugh at them and see whose lives they are currently ruining. also you get to see how they have, for the most part barely changed.

they stink because when you see them you kinda hope that they don't notice you because they will approach you and want to know everything about you. the last time i saw an ex from high school i was with my wife at a bar and the stupid psycho bitch was on me like white on rice. fucking retard sees me with my wife and approaches me and was being all touchy feely. my wife realized who it was and didn't bother even acknowledging her because she knows just how much i hate her. looney fucking cunt was all up in my face and affectionate and she did all of this in front of her fiance. as my wife and i were leaving i warned the bitches fiance, i told him that she may be hot but the second she gets an ounce alcohol in her she turns into a fucking retard who cannot resist temptation and will most definitely cheat on him. i wished the poor bastard luck and went on my merry way!

to 99% of my exs <table style=filter:glow(color=red)>FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!! YOU STINK!!!</table>

i don't know if we really need them but they sure are fun to laugh at.

Edited By LZMF1 on April 09 2002 at 12:32
my ex stalks me.
Quote:he told some girl I raped him.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Psycho Ex = Good stories.

I have no good stories. {Sad}
I have no good stories either...or maybe I've just blocked them out.
<marquee><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>See my past replies about my feelings on this subject, Fblingaling would get pissed if I posted it again</span></marquee>

I actually think you need the shitty relationships to actually enjoy when you have a good one. You need something to compare to to get that realazation. They also help when you get annoyed by silly shit so you can just step back and say "hey, at least she/he doesn't do that":firebounce:
Quote:They also help when you get annoyed by silly shit so you can just step back and say "hey, at least she/he doesn't do that

I agree...I mean from now on if anyone I date cheats on me I can look at it and say, "well at least he didn't get her pregnant."
Quote:I agree...I mean from now on if anyone I date cheats on me I can look at it and say, "well at least he didn't get her pregnant."

Listen, you tried, and while that is very admirable, no one will think any less of you if you quit.

No, really, do the male side of the race a favor and don't date at all. Become a hermit or a nun. You seem to have more bagage strapped to your back than a cross country Greyhound and you are bound to make some unlucky chap one miserable lump of shit.
{Sad} I'm not bitter though! I've got baggage, but I laugh at it....if I wasn't able to laugh it off, I would've killed myself a long time ago.
i've been wanting to reply to this one, but i have a horrible feeling i might be said psycho so i refrained. i'm gonna stick to my argument that he drove me to it. and how come the new changes don't show up on my computer? fuckit, can i get some tech support at my house, please? really, i'll give you the old one for parts, i'm desperate here, anyone??? :confused:

aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh the edit button is orange. everything else is still the same, what the fucking fuck? oh, and bite me george.:firebounce:
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