Full Version: This Place Needs
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Pages: 1 2 3
I'm cool... I'm cool... I swear I'll be cool.

now my lip is starting to twitch goddammmit.

I can't win.
why don't you suck on something
you got the swedish fish?
if thats what you wanna call it
this is what it always comes down to, doesn't it?

I'm just a sperm receptacle, aren't I?

I feel so USED, USED, USED!!!
i never got to use Luna. Damn.
Gooch Wrote:i never got to use Luna. Damn.
oh, that's so not true.

psssst - let's start some juicey rumors, sugar bear.
hmmm...i don't recall dropping my load...however, i'll take your word for it Wink
just like sluggo, amirite!!!
i did drop my load of Sluggy.
Luna Wrote:you got the swedish fish?

more like swedish guppy in his case.
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