ahh im feelin the love :loveya:
thats not love thats the genital warts that grumpy's mom gave you
theyre acting up again
i would have thought it was one of the dwellers of Nette's love cave
Ladi and Amy, when yah gonna learn? Yah need a catchy slogan...I think this would have persuaded a few votes...Vote for me, and I'll blow your C!
Does that mean you think either of the other two will blow you?
Oh, Sean, can I be Vice-Mod, so when Snuka violates every last Don't Post THAT THERE rule, and gets impeached (sp), I can have his space??

Quote:can I be Vice-Mod
Given the source of that one....pretty fucking fitting :roflmao: Gonna add a few vices if you get sworn in?
Quote:Gonna add a few vices if you get sworn in?
What did you have in mind? I think I have most of them....... :toast: :fuggin: :fucking:

pits: oh wait I haven't killed anyone yet....

I will blow NO ONE! I will LICK NO PUSSY! But...bet your bottom dollar i will leave puddles of drool and feces drying up on the walls.
okay - I'm convinced. SNUKA needs to drive the short bus. There is no fuckin way I can compete with his cavernass ass in a pissing contest. Besides, he enjoys playing with the drooling retards more than I do.
<span style='font-family:verdana'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>VOTE FOR SNUKA</span></span>
I give my support to Snuka
I do think we have a winner, clear cut on this one.
everybody hates grumpy.:roflmao:
I'm trying to figure out what 3 other names he joined under.
Wow, Even Amy beat Grumpy. Thats pretty fucking sad.
Great, how many write ins are beating Frumpy.
It's just because he had to devote too much time to OTL to run a proper campaign.
Quote:I vote for sleeper.
Ooohhh yeah. Yeah, I change my vote to sleeper.
That's 2...
Well I actually voted for snuka but we can try to make him feel better.