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keyser uses "ha" way too much.
Why ?

Thats all I wanna know.

Havent we all learned NOTHING good can come from showing your cock via the internet ??
At least there's no visible sign of herpes.
Keyser Soze Wrote:they've had pictures of me jacking on cam for months, you think i didn't already know they would whip em out the first time i tried to post something that pissed them off? if it bothered me, i wouldnt have started the thread in the first place.

there is no way you were not at least a little bothered when you first realized they had pictures of your cock and would use them against you. i dont care how proud you are, knowing that there are pictures of your cock on the net has to be a little unnerving. even if you say no i wont believe you.
denial is the last vestige of a broken man.
saaaaad sad man
i think he actually enjoys this.

im quite suprised it took him this long to show it to us.
i didnt want to show off
I think we need a "real people post their genitals here" thread.
whip em out!
only one person on this board has seen my privates
well it wasnt me or keyser so i'm going with dennis.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I think we need a "real people post their genitals here" thread.

i suggested that yesterday, ya hoser.
sorry i was too busy cock teasing you.
well, we're waiting.
It's kinda like when you were a kid and you agreed to do something silly with a bunch of friends. So you agree to do it on the count of 3 but no one but the one stupid kid in the group is actually gonna do it on 3.

you are that stupid kid.
but i wasnt the first person on the board to post their cock
you didn't post your cock you stupid wop, you got caught jerking off and had the pics posted without your consent.
what kind of idiot jerks off on a webcam and leaves his face in the picture?!
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