How to create mayhem, confusion, and chaos for your own personal amusement.
Reverse the push and pull signs on a door. Stand back and watch the morons figure out how to open the door.
Reverse the entrance and exit signs at the drive through. Fun for you and the Down's Victim at the window.
pee in the Mountain Dew dispenser
At a party...sneak into the bathroom. open up the top of the toilet and take a nice greazy dump.
everytime the bowl is flushed...just more shit drains into the bowl
put rubbing alcohol in someones eye drops
switch someone's toothpaste with hemorrhoid cream
fiberglass powder on toilet paper
We had three in a dorm room built for two Freshman year. When space opened up the third guy who we didn't like refused to move. Me and the other guy started to hate him..... he still wouldn't move. He used Prell shampoo, we dumped it out and poured everything green we could find into the bottle. Toothpaste, mouth wash, roll on, everything green. Didn't think he use it cause it smelled like shit. He did and his hair turned to straw. He still wouldn't leave though.
use the your finger to write on a bathroom mirror in latin.....SATAN IS COMING
it wont show up until someone takes a hot shower.
probably really freak them out as well
snuka already mentioned the upper decker. i prefer to leave a nice solid log in the tank...... you know the kind that you barely have to wipe you ass after dumping. that way it takes longer for it to disintegrate and start to show up in the bowl after flushing. :poopain:
see my post in life's pleasures in the pit for a very good idea.
Edited By LZMF1 on April 11 2002 at 07:32
Go to a public restroom and remove all the TP from the stalls except for one and unroll it a little and put a light coating of Icy Hot on it. :poopain: :firebounce:
short sheet someones bed. give someone an exploding cigar. point to someones shoulder and when they look down, run your finger up their face.
I like the squirting flower. It gets em every time. Or the can of worms, so when you open it, springy worms pop out at you.
Quote:point to someones shoulder and when they look down, run your finger up their face.
I always fall for that one :angry:
Quote:I always fall for that one
i will remember that{

Quote:i will remember that
You just want to touch his face.
Fuckin fag!
HA HA loser!!
seriously Maynard, that was pathetic.