Full Version: Don't believe what they say
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you've grown wise with age.
or dumber, if you and keyser are now on the same mental path.
TN was a hilarious movie, galt is just getting old and out of touch.
I bet Galt would have even had negative things to say about 'Great White Hype'.
i am about to watch it...i'll give you my review later
DIG's movie reviews are so much better
well i like so's openin up with a Roger Miller tune. That guy's one of my favs!
it tha fastest that gets paid
and it's tha fastest....that gets laid!
I'm taking digs word over galt
Make sure you at least go to a theatre with comfortable seats so when you fall asleep, there will at least be one positive aspect of the movie.

Gary Cole was good. There were a couple good scenes (Baby Jesus vs. teenage Jesus vs adult Jesus), but by and large it was just boring.

And I love Will Farrell
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