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Quote:Maynard posted:

SLASH said these mean words:
[Image: withstupid.gif]

[Image: maymay.gif]

Yes, but I was actually saying them to Seph.

I thought you and I were starting fresh.

Edited By SLASH on April 10 2002 at 2:54
oh fuck me, I started the next lunch thread.

I hate you folks and your wild, wacky thread hijacks!
there's a place near me called Jose Teja's that is the greatest restaurantl, but it's always crowded so you gotta wait for a table.
Authentic has its positives and negatives. There are plenty of good mexican places around manhattan, but they are a bit more expensive. One place has catfish tacos.
Jose Teja's is a chain restaurant. Nothing against the chains, in fact I really like Chevy's, but it ain't the real deal.
i ordered from this place 'fresh tortillas grill' on the weekend and everything came with black beans all over it. it looked like they had some animal shit on everything. so nasty.
it was pretty good though.
ive never seen another jose tejas in my life, so i had no idea it was a chain. it's still good as hell.
Not to mention fresh homeade salsa has to be the greatest condiment ever. I was in a Mexican resteraunt the other day and they had a mango flavored salsa, oh man it was so good.
Quote:Nothing against the chains, in fact I really like Chevy's, but it ain't the real deal.

Wouldn't a Mexican chain restraunt be the prison mess hall? :roflmao: :roflmao:
Quote:Yes, but I was actually saying them to Seph.

I thought you and I were starting fresh.
Please accept my sincere and humble apology SLASH. I guess it's kind of hard to point over a person with those signs. I just naturally assumed you meant me since I was directly above you.

Please, accept my apology?
Quote:I hate you folks and your wild, wacky thread hijacks!
well i guess you could be glad it wasnt me. the topic wouldnt be lunch {Smile}

well maybe if it was thrown up in a still steaming pile out in an abandoned parking lot on a cold december day.

or if it was a hot lunch. c'mon seph lets make a chili dog. whip out your noodle i got diarreah.
Quote:I don't eat steak anymore.
i also recently stopped eating steak or cow meat of any sort.
me and my buddy here have a nice "fresh" peice of meat for ya Arp

[Image: k7576-1i.jpg]
Fresh salsa rocks. This place today had big chunks of tomato and onions, almost like a mexican brushetta. damn good stuff.
trying to lower my daily fecal matter intake. dont want to add to the increase of fossil fuel usage. trying to stop killer viruses from becoming antibiotic resistant, etc.......
i like hamburgers
"The Jungle"
"Fast Food Nation"
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