Full Version: Do I really need them?
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Pages: 1 2
I know I
you know you...?
you're quick
id give up my left thumb for 250k
right or left?
what part of left didn't you understand?
And thats why we love Ronin.
thumbs are all that seperate us from the animals, your life would suck without your thumbs, especially for captain cam stroker.
Youve never jerked it without the thumb just for a different feeling?
I've done things...
Im well aware.
if you all trully knew, you'd surround my home and have me burned alive.
As long as your doing it with me in mind pookie.
how would I get aroused if I did that?
Dont hide your feeling Gonz, its unhealthy.
GonzoStyle Wrote:thumbs are all that seperate us from the animals, your life would suck without your thumbs, especially for captain cam stroker.

i suppose i can get used to stroking with just my right hand.
Pages: 1 2