Full Version: So i'm the asshole.
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I would assume it is.
This gang mentality is going to eventually drive me off, and then what will you guys do, huh?
continue to post to each other like weve been doing?
and hopefully it will be more intersting than this, i'd rather watch old people fuck.
So its come to this has it?
GonzoStyle Wrote:and hopefully it will be more intersting than this, i'd rather watch old people fuck.
peace out Geronimo
the gauntlet has been dropped
So what hoops am I supposed to jump through now?
the one that leads to your demise
we have hoops laying around?
the last midget left them
Grumpy sure was a fuckin' litterbug.
I dont really have anything to say here. What next?
if you need us to tell you what to post, I'd start to be worried.
Youre not giving me much to work with here.
that's how i've felt all day
Look, if you want me gone, just say the word god damn it.
what word?
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