Full Version: So i'm the asshole.
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THE word
which is...?
Exactly is THE word? seems kinda lame if you ask me.
wait, its Right now? make up your fucking mind!!
You got it.
this is why noone likes you.
i can't spell it so he will have to type it.
GonzoStyle Wrote:the gauntlet has been dropped

Goatweed Wrote:this is why noone likes you.

Then my job is done. Whats for breakfast?
corn sprinkled shit, with a side of chilled piss.
Damn, I was hoping it was going to be cows cunt and cauliflower again.
no no, that's not in season anymore - sorry.
Thats what my mom used to tell me was for dinner as a child. It brings back such memories.
its not nice to call your mom a cow.
No, I called her bitch, she called me dickhead. She wasnt fat, but I could have used all the short jokes that people have used on me.
there's also some frosted mini-wheats, if you want.
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