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am I forgetting some loyal hanger on?

I think I attracted post stalking haters.
Goatweed Wrote:I thought I was Gonzo's toady!! goddammit!!!

you're my consiglieglieglaire.

you're tom, he's fredo.
Luna Wrote:I'll be your toady, pookie.

frickin' sweet.
ah, ok - nevermind then.
im smaaat!
1 - gonzo stole another dane cook joke
2 - that chair does look sweet
3 - i can't believe derek jeter is higher than me in gonzos top _ list
HedCold Wrote:1 - gonzo stole another dane cook joke
2 - that chair does look sweet
3 - i can't believe derek jeter is higher than me in gonzos top _ list

1. what joke did I steal now?
2. thats what I said
3. you are not as cool, or el capitan.
you want to fight your pet monkey
I've wanted a pet monkey since I was like 5, there are people who do have similar desires in life.

I want a pet monkey but i'd want him to be like cato in the panther movies, that would be so awesome.
i think everyone wants a pet monkey
I did,
he'd be my buddy like Chim Chim,
and we'd get involved in all sorts of hijinx.
The Mormons don't allow monkeys.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i think everyone wants a pet monkey


dane invented it my foot, he's a fuckin guy, every guy wants a fuckin monkey, fin.
i wouldn't want a pet monkey.. it would crap everywhere.. and i see them being really stubborn to potty train.
yeah but you have a kid, so thats your pet monkey.

atleast with monkeys once they get older and aren't as entertaining, you can put them down. with kids they become teens, bleh.
id get my monkey a diaper
and he'd rip it off and wipe it on your cock
live on Paltalk?
i'd actually break down and join in that case
maybe he'll put you in his 'top 4'
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