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Quote:If you could change one thing in your house/apartment what would it be?

Besides getting one....... locks on the doors.

If you could, would you lick 'yourself' like a dog/cat?
If I could change one thing in my house...I would build a bigger garage.

If you could find out the exact date you would die, would you want to know?

Quote:I take more attractive. Hotties dont look for smart fucking guys.
Not true.
Quote:If you could be a rock star, who would you be?
Tough one....ummm...David Bowie I suppose.

If you could go back and kill any historical figure, Who would you kill?
If you were an only child and you inherited your relatives millions would you give any to charity?

bear with me here whilst I grasp this concept....o'tay?
I might.
If YOU inherited millions, would you give any to the Sluggo foundation?
If I slit your throat and watch you bleed, you think they'd press charges?
Quote:If you could go back and kill any historical figure, Who would you kill?

If you could go back and STOP any historical figure from being killed, who would it be?
Quote:If you were an only child and you inherited your relatives millions would you give any to charity?

Sure i would but only for the tax write offs.

If you could keep your mate. And change the gender of the rest of the world. What gender would you make the world?
Date of death: yes - to get everything in order first
Kill a historical figure: John Wilkes Booth
Stop from being killed: Marilyn Monroe, James Dean

If you could fight in any war, and come back alive, which would it be?
Quote:If you could keep your mate. And change the gender of the rest of the world. What gender would you make the world?
Thats a good one. I would change them all to women. I think that theres someone for everyone, but most people are with the wrong person. Just think, if you were the only guy, most of the women would be after you, and you'd get to find that one right person, instead of them being with some guy they don't really like.

If you could be president, would you? Think about all the problems that go along with it asa well.
No way would I be president...well, if I oculd admit I inhale and reform the cesspool, eh, you know it would never happen and I'd be pulled into the corruption....wait, I'll change that to "Yes" and I'd dismantle the US government by making term limits- 1 term per elected official, ever

If you could relive any day in your life, what woudl it be? Would you change anything?

heh, this brings back memories, I read through this book to my bf in a bookstore ,on our first date, picking only the sex questions in hopes he'd realize I was interested Smile
If you could have a super power what would it be?
I'd storm the beach at NOrmandy.
Very subtle Spit, nice! I would change and event, not necessarily one day. I would have gone to college directly after HS.
I would be Jusice Man!

If you had the chance to marry someone for their money would you? They love you, but you don't love them, they just have TONS of dough.

No way in hell I would.
to fly

I'm out of questions.....

If you could keep your mate. And change the gender of the rest of the world. What gender would you make the world?

Quote:Thats a good one. I would change them all to women. I think that theres someone for everyone, but most people are with the wrong person. Just think, if you were the only guy, most of the women would be after you, and you'd get to find that one right person, instead of them being with some guy they don't really like.

That's true. But think of the entire world is all woman. All movies and entertainment would all be women. All of politics would be women. A women with her hand on the button!!!!!!. And whose too say they all wouldn't turn dike.
WEll what if all the world was men. Same thing goes there.
Quote:That's true. But think of the entire world is all woman. All movies and entertainment would all be women. All of politics would be women. A women with her hand on the button!!!!!!. And whose too say they all wouldn't turn dike.
And he'd be put on display and paraded around for being the only man. Famous, but kept under lock & key, lest he try to procreate without supervision and create more men.
If a tree could talk what would it say?
If you could pack up and dissapear, what would you bring, and where would you go?
If I could pack up and go I'd take my dog and my car and my shorts and head to Arizona.

If Jack & Jill went up the hill is it necessary to fetch a pail of water?
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