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I can accept the premise of super heroes.

I can not accept the premise of "people don't perform a single action unless they are actively on camera".

I am not going stop watching because the Heroes producers are stupid enough to rely on "it wasn't on camera so it doesn't count" as a plot device and using it as the explanation for why Silar didn't try to escape.

I'm going to stop discussing this show with you because you are stupid enough to think that's the actual, acceptable answer.
D&D Dweeb
there was probably something in the room that stopped the powers. the girl had to turn it off so she could attempt to use her power of persuasion, but she was an idiot and took to long
between galt, face and hedcold, Im gonna agree with hedcold.
Thank you hedcold. I forgot about that thing.
Galt Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:
drusilla Wrote:i still want to know what the hell sylar does with the brains.

& i wished they killed off niki/jessica cause she's super annoying & so far useless.

Im thinking the answer may be eating them. It makes sense in a consuming a part of someone makes them a part of you kind of way. Sorry I meant t-rex but dragon came out after seeing the constant fucking eragon commercials they are playing. i'm just happy I didn't say rocky after all of those commercials for that abortion that is coming out soon

Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that he's consuming them. Women are so stupid.

I was also wondering that since Silar had telekenetic powers, and God-knows what else, why he would let him sit in that plastic room for so long.

but if it's not on camera i thought it didn't count? & they never show what he does with them.
"It's not on camera, so it doesn't count" is easily among the top 5 dumbest things ever written on this board.
so since it's off camera, maybe mr. blonde didnt actually cut off the cops ear!!!

maybe he stopped before he was gonna start and the keebler elves did it instead.
wow. i don't know how i feel about this. that was my favorite scene in any movie ever. i may have to rethinnk everything ever.
what i cant figure out is hiro said he couldnt change the past when he tried to save the waitress, yet he changed the past when he travelled from the future to talk to peter on the subway.
Arpikarhu Wrote:what i cant figure out is hiro said he couldnt change the past when he tried to save the waitress, yet he changed the past when he travelled from the future to talk to peter on the subway.
hes still learning his powers. talking to peter on the subway was future hiro, so at some point he really learns how to handle them.
he's just to caught up in other stuff to realize that now

and it wasn't really that he couldn't change the future, he couldn't change the future for the waitress (she still was going to die). hes prob just all sad about that and is missing the big picture. he still even says something about killing a bug when he sees himself fighting the trex, so he still knows he can mess things up
In the future, he could still go into the past again and save that whore waitress.
but he doesnt or she wouldnt be killed the first time he went there and he wouldnt have had to try and go back to save her then. she would have already been saved by hiro from the future.

my head hurts.
Galt Wrote:"It's not on camera, so it doesn't count" is easily among the top 5 dumbest things ever written on this board.

right up there with your asanine thread about how long being a chinaman

I just read the NY post and they said something about eve, I think her name was, actually turning the gun on herself and killing herself because sylar couldn't get her power that way? That makes and doesn't make sense at the same time because if he eats the brains, as we all assume he does, it wouldn't matter if she were dead or alive when he did it. This way of thinking leads one to believe that the brain must be perfect in order for him to gain the power.
Quote:my head hurts.

Might be a stroke or a brain tumor.
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