Full Version: I <3 Gonzo
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Pages: 1 2
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hoon is actually hot, if goat was on myspace he would know this.
Hoon is hot, but when he shakes his head it sounds like a baby rattle.

I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you like this.
I would have!!!!
he'll see how much i love him when i wipe the floor with him after a game of taboo
theres taboo?!!?
drusilla Wrote:he'll see how much i love him when i wipe the floor with him after a game of taboo

I gotta lay it down for you toots, when I gear up for mental battle, there are no more friendships, you are my enemy at that point, so there will be no love when we cross mental swords.

You're goin down woman, DOWN I SAY!
i would be undefeated for 12 years running if it weren't for that damn lush i call my best friend.
that didn't count, you had a lush and he had a doctor.

I'm taking you and the good doctor, down!!!
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