Full Version: 455 posts since I last visited!
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Pages: 1 2
Wow look at you go!
Yeah really.

Go team!!
3/4 of them are one sentence chat posts by Ken and Luna.

Don't get your hopes up.
well you're just a little ray of sunshine, aren't you?
its like using a pair of joy buzzers as a defibrilator.
Where did you steal that one from?
the shea parking lot, mets fans are quite witty.
get metsmerized!
I'm in!!!
402. You guys fucking suck today.
I have a sore throat.
why don't you go and overtake an ezboard somewheres, maybe they'll be impressed. You could tell them all how you used to be somebody.
No matter how much you try the smell of my shit will linger on your face after all the years you spent kissing my ass.
Maybe NBT will invite you to the rockin' BLUE board.

Charles Manson Wrote:No matter how much you try the smell of my shit will linger on your face after all the years you spent kissing my ass.

I still love the man who was once DIG, you are not that man.
how's my doodoo?

but if you try to read them your head might explode
this must be a shock to this boards system like a maury povich fat lady being extracted from her home by crane.

the fresh air is like freon.
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