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interesting perspective.
It's so fuckin obvious that his downfall began once he kicked the habit.
should we start some kind of a mission to get him back on the wagon? donations & such?
I would do anything to bring back the old DIG.
you & me both.

CDIH doesn't negotiate with terrorists but in his case I would make an exception.
are we under a terror alert? should I change the color to orange?
Goatweed Wrote:are we under a terror alert? should I change the color to orange?

I saw seph logged in yesterday, he was "hidden". You may wanna up the color to yellow, to match the stripe down his back.
No, cause he's a whining pussy.
I figured the "stripe down his back" line woulda been clue enough to see where I was going.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I figured the "stripe down his back" line woulda been clue enough to see where I was going.

goatweed isnt that smart
pick a name already
well played sir
joeybags is another homo who e-stalks me. feel free to befriend him like the rest.
so we lost birdy?
until there is a gif of me sucking another mans nipples for a radio show

do not lump me into the same category
I hope Birdy comes back.
Joeybags Wrote:until there is a gif of me sucking another mans nipples for a radio show

do not lump me into the same category

I wish I logged chats art work, I wouldnt need gifs to prove it.
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