I want to be around if she gets dumped,
so I can pick up the pieces.
[url]<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/">http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/</a><!-- m -->
Cops are notorious for spousal abuse. Silly cunt, hope you enjoy the black eyes.
whaddya say to a woman with 2 black eyes?
nothin', you already told her twice!!!!!!!!!
whaddya say in response to that joke?
nothin', cause it's been told a billion times!!!!!
and it keeps getting..........ah, forget it.
Whaddya you call a woman with one black eye?
A Fast Learner!!!!
loff loff
on the "where are they now" thread,
is Rapefantasizer still a homeless crackwhore?
Possibly after George* kicked her out for no good reason and left her in the streets.
*GMANN (for ken)
I remember she had big tits.
OK, if you get Suzie to post here by the end of the day, I'll bang her.
yeah but would she bang fuck you?
if she wants the herpes maybe
I'd imagine she has so many std's flowing through what little veins she has left, she's probably grown immune to any disease.
I'm a giant leap up from Sweaty Lumpyface Derosa
point by both of you taken
Galt Wrote:I'm a giant leap up from Sweaty Lumpyface Derosa
in the wit and brains category yes, but she just wants to get
fucked so I think he may have you on the looks and sexual ability.
Most chicks don't dig "efficiency".
Keyser and I already had a "hotornot" showdown and I beat him handily.