Full Version: Rush has moved up to crack
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This guy just doesn't learn, ever.

Quote:Controversial radio host Rush Limbaugh has slammed actor Michael J. Fox for "acting" his way through a new campaign ad for his favorite politician. The Parkinson's Disease sufferer is seen frantically shaking as he urges voters to consider Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill in the TV spot. McCaskill shares Fox's hopes for a cure for Parkinson's Disease, and is a strong advocate of embryonic stem cell research. But right-wing radio pundit Limbaugh is far from convinced the Back To The Future star was being honest in the tough-to-watch TV ad, accusing him of faking his condition. He says, "Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting... He's exaggerating the effects of the disease. This is the only time I have ever seen Michael J. Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has. This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox." In his radio rant, which aired on Monday, Limbaugh continued "I will bigly (sic), hugely admit that I was wrong, and I will apologize to Michael J. Fox if I am wrong in characterizing his behavior on this commercial as an act, especially since people are telling me they have seen him this way on other interviews and in other television appearances. Michael J. Fox is using his illness as a way to mislead voters into thinking that their vote for a single United States senator has a direct impact on stem cell research in Missouri. It doesn't, and it won't."
The most offensive thing is he tries to bamboozle his audience into believing that a vote for a United States Senator won't have a direct impact on stem cell research.

If he truly believed that, he wouldn't be smearing Fox.
The rubes swallow his line of shit, hook, line and sinker.
he should stick to teh drugs.
the worst part was on the video of his show, he was actually mimicking Fox's movements. I think it's on the mediamatters site.

It was horrible.
Look, it's one thing to call Donovan McNabb a subpar quarterback for a black guy, but it's totally different to go head to head against Marty McFly. I mean, he saved his parent's marriage, brought his father back from the dead, AND got a ravine named after Clint Eastwood, all in the span of three days in 1985. Rush must go down.
He's a Bush lackey, which makes him untouchable.
I remember when WABC had progressive radio hosts, like Lionel and Lynn Samuels. Now it's all neocon, all the time, except Ron Kuby, who's just there to balance Silwa.
At least he didn't call him chicken.
what the fuck is "neocon" supposed to mean anyway?
neocon, short for neo-conservative, as opposed to real conservative, i suppose
neo means "new" so what is a "new" conservative? And why is that necessarily bad?

And neoconservative appears to basically be a "nigger'-level putdown for rightwingers.
they probably didn't like the matrix
me either.
Sorta the way liberal is a put-down for everyone whose not republican.

From what I gather, neo-cons are people who force morality on everyone else, start wars based on lies for the sake of starting wars, keep the country at a constant state of fear for the sake of absorbing more power, throw out parts of the constitution in order to be able to put anyone in prison and torture them in whatever cruel and unusual way they deem fit, people who get into office by saying government spending and bureaucracy is bad and then proceed to increase spending and bureaucracy, and who turn the budget surpluses of former Democratic presidents into the largest budget deficit in the history of, like, the world.
1 : a former liberal espousing political conservatism
2 : a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and U.S. national interest in international affairs including through military means
3 : An intellectual and political movement in favor of political, economic, and social conservatism that arose in opposition to the perceived liberalism of the 1960s: “The neo-conservatism of the 1980s is a replay of the New Conservatism of the 1950s, which was itself a replay of the New Era philosophy of the 1920s”
GW sucks on dead aborted fetuses.
who the hell names their kid Rush anyway?
Ronin Wrote:who the hell names their kid Rush anyway?
someone else named Rush.
The first matrix was ok but the rest sucked.
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