Full Version: did anyone else laugh
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face hasn't been an admin since das golden age
is anyone going to explain the "chinaman" reference. I have no idea.

By the way Ecko dies this week.
In the movie Chinatown Roman Polanski slices Jack Nicholson's nose,
and for the rest of the movie, he is wearing a bandage on his nose,

Sawyer called the guy who's nose he broke,
(and was wearing a bandage)
Oh, so the AARP messageboard would have picked up on that, I bet.
Classic films are classic.
young people call old things "old".

old people call old things "classic"
GonzoStyle Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:took it down for a while since someone, I won't mention any names, stole it for their myspace contact table, but it's back now

I got that before you posted it and I got it from one of those pimp my myspace sites, everything is always about you, you, you.

[gonzo's myspace comment to me]I always thought myspace layouts were gay, but you inspired me for the one layout that could never scream "hey I love cock in my mouth".

Thanks Buddy! [/gonzo's myspace comment to me]

I inspired you to find that little fucking gem so bitch, IT IS ALL ABOUT ME
maltese Falcon,
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