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Thats the goal this weekend. Borat, moonshine, and teenagers.

My buddy called me Halloween night to ask if I took her trick or treating or not. I el oh el'ed.
with the trick being a roofie and the treat being your cock, amirite!?!?!?!

(P.S. Goats gay)
Goat is very gay, at a BBQ he ate his hot dog from the end.
did he insert it in his a-nuuss?

(Borat Rules)
Straight guys eat hot dogs from the middle, the fruit didn't get the memo.
Remember back when Goat was into that whole "I love to suck off and rape niggers" phase of his?

Weird dude.
when did he get out of it?

So true.
i have the piano version of clubbed to death by rob d. it's a really long song, so it gives me enough time to find my phone. they have had the polyphonic version ,but tis awful. i've had the same ringer for a few years. whenever i get a new phone i download it right away. i dont think i want the true tone version of it. it would rather have the piano. its soft. its good stuff.
I like the liszt piano piece cause it reminds me of daffy duck playing it in roger rabbit.
vibrate. always vibrate.

except for the one summer
i had the samford and sons theme.
she keeps her cell phone inside her cunt
har har.

twat? twat did you say?
i cunt hear you!
virgingrrl Wrote:har har.

twat? twat did you say?
i cunt hear you!

that post made me cringe on the inside.
i never keep my phone in my pants, so the vibrate function is useless. most of the day i'm at work anyway, so i have to turn the phone off sicne there is no service. my phone is usually on full volume, or on silent. i keep it on silent at night cause i get very upset if i get woekn up in the morning earlier than i have to get up.
I use my cell as an alarm, it plays the benny hill theme, it's loud and gets me ready for another day of wackiness.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
virgingrrl Wrote:har har.

twat? twat did you say?
i cunt hear you!

that post made me cringe on the inside.

i hate you.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I use my cell as an alarm, it plays the benny hill theme, it's loud and gets me ready for another day of wackiness.

oh man i should use that one next.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I use my cell as an alarm, it plays the benny hill theme, it's loud and gets me ready for another day of wackiness.

do you jump out of bed & move at 4x your usual speed too?
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