I didnt say those two were Good keyser, I just said they're still around. I never liked LL much anyhow.
I also really dig Digable Planets.
Quote:talented rapper
oxy moron
The Roots are amazing live. Great musicians and lyricists. Their drummer ?uestlove is particularly good.
A lot of Beastie Boys videos are Spike Jonze directed. Spike Jonze = Always good. Sabotage is probably the best one. He even directed a good Puffy Video. The "All About the Benjamins" rock remix where they barge into the senior prom and start playin. That rocked.
Tupac being articulate went along with my point that he could have been just as well respected as Ice Cube outside of music for his many talents.
He could speak, hold a conversation, and make salient points. Just like Cube and KRS-One. You get the people like ODB who are completely incoherrent. He might be a great rapper, with good lyrics, but he'll never be an actor, producer, or anything other than what he is because he can't communicate and so no one will respect him as an intelligent person.
Tupac had that. He could yell and scream a be a punk badass when he wanted to (which was way too often), but he was also one of the very few hardcore rappers who would write loves songs about his mother, child, and women in general (of course he was also a rapist so I'm not saying he was a good guy - but he could have reached that upper level and if he stayed around for another 10 years and straightened out, he would have been a well-respected serious actor among other things)
I also really dig the Beasties album "Some Old Bullshit". It's all their punk stuff. Cookie Puss is a great song. Although Egg Raid On Mojo rivals it. Hmmmm.....
what the silly fuck is going on here?????? :crackhead:
I'm moving this thread to music {

I was going to move it too, but it may have dabble back into the original discussion, so I didn't want to move it.:roflmao:
Maynard, you should start a thread in "The Pit" that provides a link to this thread. It's a win-win situation!
You know....thats' a good idea. Man, you really SHOULD be the new mod.
You Win!!11!:bouncer:
Anyone see the Devil's game? That was an exciting game. I tried to watch the Rangers last night, but the picture wasn't clear.
I'm so glad the Devils won. I can't fucking stand the Flyers.
Quote:Anyone see the Devil's game? That was an exciting game. I tried to watch the Rangers last night, but the picture wasn't clear.
Now you are trying to get this thread moved again to sports.
Jimmy holds the record for have a thread moved to the most forums.
Anybody here ever see Australian Football?
The Sport of Thugs played by Kings or the Sport of Kings played by Thugs?
Did anyone see those back to back homers by Piazza and Alomar yesterday at Wrigley? Game 3 against the Cubbies coming up in 40 mins!!!
who starts for the mets today?
Is that like Rugby Luna?
Personally I like the
New Zealand All Blacks.
Ironically, they're not all black, but they are some tough mother fuckers. It's more of a black earl kind of thing I think.
Quote:The Sport of Thugs played by Kings or the Sport of Kings played by Thugs?
The sport of Kings is Horse Racing.
Quote:The sport of Kings is Horse Racing.
Isn't that the truth! Ever try to by a thoroughbred? Yozers!
Australian Football, from what I have seen, can be as brutal as Rugby.