BAH!!! Who moved this thread!!!! I wasn't done bein a geek yet!!! And they forgot to say 5 when they moved it!!! damn THEM!!!
Fucking fuckers!! FUCK YOU, This is going to Anger Management. I'm tired of all this bullshit!! Fuck.
And to top it all off, I'm at work and being miserable!!! BAH! BAH! BAH!
6!!!! I have to be angry now. we go....(hang on to your hats).........
Fuck..motherfucking asshole stupid ass jerk clueless fucking mongoloidian asshole neanderthal stupid assfuck....idiotic clueless jerkoid!!!!!!
How was that? You think it needs more feeling? A little more UMPHHH?
<font size=6>7 MOTHERBITCHES!!!</font>
Yuo suck at teh anger Luna.
Sluggo, you're an assfucker. I hate you die dickhead die. Fuck you, this is moving again. Dickless.
I can't even reply to this thing because it's getting moved to fast.
But Luna.....
Luna, are you sure it was Cinemax? Because I know a movie like that called The Foresaken that has been on Pay Per View very recently. I'd just be surprised if it went from Pay Per View to Cinemax so quickly.
This one had Kerr Smith from Dawson's Creek, the lead singer in the band from That Thing You Do, Simon Rex from MTV, and the Russian chick from Coyote Ugly.
The shooting up with drugs to prevent her from becoming a vampire seems very familiar. But the movie I saw was horrible.
I think I made a wrong turn at Albuquerque again........
Listen...ya dang Varmint....... :pulls out the Yosemite .45:
This would be 9, correct?
We be in jail now, YO!
Where's my bread and water?????????????

pits out of the cell onto the floor:
I gots a nice stale "loaf" for ya!
Really? Does it have nice fuzzy green mold on it.....will it make me go "Weeeeeeeeeee"?
Actually it's a rye loaf...It has that nice red mold that was responsible for all of the Medieval Hamlets having mass hallucinations...:firebounce:
Can I get some "poppies" in that loaf, too?
You fucking retard Sluggo. Why'd you hide it in the cell???
:fuckoff: you took my next move away :complain:
<font size=7 color=red>EEE-LEVEN!!!</font>
It smells bad in here. I don't think I like this place.
Youre wearin a goddamn gas mask...WTF?
<table style=filter:glow(color=green)>I don't give a shit about you, and never have.</table>[glow=I don't give a shit about you, and never have.][/glow]