04-13-2002, 09:49 PM
04-14-2002, 09:48 AM
so, this is what that was all about, why was this thread here? i mean, i hardly ever even look in this forum. am i alone, does everyone else frequent this place as much as everywhere else? or did you put it here because you think we're all white trash? i'm confused :confused: should i bother taking the time to read all 9 pages now?
04-14-2002, 10:05 AM
It started in the pit, then moved to music cause we started talking about music, then people started talking about sports, and soon the gag became that "hey, lets try to move this to as many forums as possible" and it ended up here. There you have it.
04-14-2002, 10:30 AM
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh why thank you sleeper, i shall rest easier now that i know. but my question remains, is it worth reading 9 pages of this caca?
04-14-2002, 03:20 PM
NO...and I just may move it again...:firebounce:
04-14-2002, 03:50 PM
Pack your bags...................here weeeeeeeeeeeeeee gooooooooooo! :bouncer:
Have you been to any good Tucked Away Shit Holes lately?
Have you been to any good Tucked Away Shit Holes lately?
04-14-2002, 04:20 PM
I can't go there...
Don't wanna end up in the hole...
Don't wanna end up in the hole...
04-14-2002, 04:58 PM
Quote:is it worth reading 9 pages of this caca?only if you want to hear a bunch of white guys give their feelings on rap
Edited By HedCold on April 15 2002 at 03:13
04-15-2002, 05:44 AM
I just finished watching Crimson Tide, wow does that movie rock.
Denzel is the man!!!!
Denzel is the man!!!!
04-15-2002, 10:50 PM
What is Crimson Tide all about Gonzo?
I caught a few parts of Steel Moagnolias today.
I caught a few parts of Steel Moagnolias today.
04-16-2002, 03:59 AM
aw crap, i didn't realize when i posted it was already on page 9, i just inadvertently read the whole damn thread looking for the answer as to whether or not i should bother reading it
so, wtf is criquet? croquet is a game where you use a mallet to knock a ball through an n shape type thingy. cricket is really quite simple, you score points with runs, you're out if the ball hits the wicket and if you hit the ball a certain distance you score 4 or 6 points depending how far. it's quite boring to watch, but that ball is hard as shit, i accidentally caught one once, hurt like a motherfucker.

so, wtf is criquet? croquet is a game where you use a mallet to knock a ball through an n shape type thingy. cricket is really quite simple, you score points with runs, you're out if the ball hits the wicket and if you hit the ball a certain distance you score 4 or 6 points depending how far. it's quite boring to watch, but that ball is hard as shit, i accidentally caught one once, hurt like a motherfucker.
04-16-2002, 07:12 AM
Well Luna..
Crimson tide is an excellent movie starring the likes of Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman, & and a pre-Sopranos James Gandolfini along with an assortment of fine actors.
It is a submarine picture that pits Washington against Hackman in a life and death struggle for control of the submarine. After an emergency message informs the ship that russian revolutionaries are arming missles for war. Then a second message gets cut off and Hackman plays the old skool all guts go out and bomb the fuckers with nuclear weapons. While Denzel is the new skool navy XO who feels that firing without being 100% sure of the message could cause a Nuclear Holocaust destroying all of civilization. This puts the two men in a battle for each of their sides and both men accuse the other of High Mutiny and the acting, action and tense drama is really fuckin awesome. I highly reccomend this film.
Crimson tide is an excellent movie starring the likes of Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman, & and a pre-Sopranos James Gandolfini along with an assortment of fine actors.
It is a submarine picture that pits Washington against Hackman in a life and death struggle for control of the submarine. After an emergency message informs the ship that russian revolutionaries are arming missles for war. Then a second message gets cut off and Hackman plays the old skool all guts go out and bomb the fuckers with nuclear weapons. While Denzel is the new skool navy XO who feels that firing without being 100% sure of the message could cause a Nuclear Holocaust destroying all of civilization. This puts the two men in a battle for each of their sides and both men accuse the other of High Mutiny and the acting, action and tense drama is really fuckin awesome. I highly reccomend this film.
04-17-2002, 06:35 PM
Thank you Gonzo Shallitt (sp?)
04-17-2002, 06:45 PM
Quote:Well Luna..
Crimson tide is an excellent movie starring the likes of Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman, & and a pre-Sopranos James Gandolfini along with an assortment of fine actors.
It is a submarine picture that pits Washington against Hackman in a life and death struggle for control of the submarine. After an emergency message informs the ship that russian revolutionaries are arming missles for war. Then a second message gets cut off and Hackman plays the old skool all guts go out and bomb the fuckers with nuclear weapons. While Denzel is the new skool navy XO who feels that firing without being 100% sure of the message could cause a Nuclear Holocaust destroying all of civilization. This puts the two men in a battle for each of their sides and both men accuse the other of High Mutiny and the acting, action and tense drama is really fuckin awesome. I highly reccomend this film.
Whoa...that sounds pretty heavy. I just may have to make some time to see it.
Is there alot of bloodshed going on? If so, I have to see it.
Thanks, Gonzo.