Full Version: Borat is a FAKE!!!!
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This guy claims that Sasha Baron Cohen stole the entire Borat character from him. he had a website up in the late 90's, but this link I have is only a mirror.

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I remember that guy, but you could say SBC stole his bit from the entire eastern bloc, but he didn't.
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he stole it from this "cristo" guy! oh noes!
old news.
didn't andy kaufman do characters better like 30 years ago?
kaufman wasn't funny, ever.
neither is borat
that's a vicious lie
borat is less funny than ali g and he isn't funny at all
You're breaking my heart.
if you think borat is funny you have no heart
My only thought of comfort is that maybe your wife has hijacked your account.
whatever it takes to help you sleep at night
what happened to you!
bruno > borat
keyser's cock>borat
ok that's just taking it too far.
its how i feel
so country music is good but borat is bad, I don't know you anymore.
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