Full Version: Vote...Neediest Bitch on the board
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easy there adolf, you're not exactly low-maintenance.
Touche meowsulini
it was an homage
cause you love me, wanna be my new consigliegliare?
GonzoStyle Wrote:cause you love me, wanna be my new consigliegliare?

sure, why not.
from another mother
how come there's no "other" option or KMMW option?
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Ken'sPen Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:for the record i don't hate ken. that would require me to actually care about him in the first place.

I wish statistics were readily available,
like how many of your posts contain my name.......

talk to jack, he can run a database query for you. your obsession with me is well documented here.
if someone tried to use MYSQL script on this board it would implode
gee, i wonder who luna voted for.
I would've voted "KMMW" if it was there.
good thing im not kesyer
Keyser Soze Wrote:good thing im not kesyer

posts like this are why I hate you.
damn straight
I'm with keyser, he's my new left hand man.
whose your right hand man?
I jerk off with my right
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