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so i there a myspace tutorial on how to add the backgrounds & change up the general structure? I'm guessing its HTML but where do I make said changes?
wait til eddie send you an event invite. that'll be loads of fun to navigate.
theres a ton of sites that have myspace layouts, as well as contact tables and extended network banners.

you copy the code and paste it in your "about me" section or "people i'd like to meet"

I always sift through the code to remove all the advertisement links they stick in there. eastiest way to do it, is to get the property of the link and copy the url, then search the code for that link and delete that section of the code.
oh noes.
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Quote:Currently awaiting approval from Anthony

he's very picky
it's probably because I don't have Paltalk.

what will it take?

btw, adblock really comes in handy with myspace - there are so many fucking ads and embedded frames it's crazy.
should I have been notified of the denial? It seems I get an email if people take a shit, so I'm wondering why I didnt get a denial message.
i just gave you notification
sick burn!
I just felt the sting of that one .. ouch
I'm not sure what I did to incur Keyser's hatred, but ok.
do you care?
I know, his pretty face does add some spice to your page.
he hates me.
he's not too sharp and makes poor deicisons, so its no surprise.
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