Full Version: The most loving thing you have ever done....
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all the cards can have "funsnaps creations" written on the back!
you'll make a mint for sure.

this thread was a huge dissapointment, all the funny is gone from here.
yeah cause we need more farting and crapping stories ! okkkk
We need something actually more interesting than hoon sucks and dot is ugly. I bear my soul and all I get in return is some lame one liners.

All we get is the interesting posters being bitter cunts when they do come here, and bitch about the posts. And when they lame posters stop posting, they also stop posting cause they have nothing to be bitter about.

We need less bitterness and more poop!
I haven't mentioned the doors' board yet today..

so am I a lame poster? what exactly are you saying.
not you buddy, you're fun snaps!
that's not italized so that must NOT be sarcasm
I make the rules, doesn't mean I follow them.
I stayed in the hospital with my wife, before she was my wife, for 2 weeks when she was having surgery. Forgot about work, home, everything because she had no one else here and I didn't want to leave her alone.
and there wasn't any poop cleaning involved?
faceman802 Wrote:I stayed in the hospital with my wife, before she was my wife, for 2 weeks when she was having surgery. Forgot about work, home, everything because she had no one else here and I didn't want to leave her alone.

now thats more of what I had in mind!!!

good stuff facey, hokey but good.
Love often is hokey
I have been opening and viewing this thread for days trying to come up with something, and not wanting to post the predictable "I've never done anything nice for anyone", but I honestly can't think of anything.

I've given money to people and bought nice presents or spent money to fly across the country and stuff, but that's not what the point is.

I'm having dificulty identifying a selfless act. I did ask two obvious tourists on train if they needed help figuring out where they were going, though. That was only like two weeks ago.
Galt Wrote:I have been opening and viewing this thread for days trying to come up with something, and not wanting to post the predictable "I've never done anything nice for anyone", but I honestly can't think of anything.

I've given money to people and bought nice presents or spent money to fly across the country and stuff, but that's not what the point is.

I'm having dificulty identifying a selfless act. I did ask two obvious tourists on train if they needed help figuring out where they were going, though. That was only like two weeks ago.

You paid up on your bet to take me out for drinks and then you insulted me later behind my back to sleeper, which resulted in me losing as of today 138 pounds!

You're a good man!
138 thats nearly a whole other person you have been carrying round!!!

Congratulations Smile
I never insulted you behind your back. That's a lie.

I mentioned to Sleeper that night, "you know who he looks like? Hi-Pitch Eric", and his face went a stone cold white, and he said "Don't say that to him!"

So I didn't.

But damn, 138, that's a lot. Kudos.
you said it to sleeper, so it was behind my back.
but it wasn't an insult. It was an observation. You are painting me as a meanie.
because you are
Just because I'm not some pathetic wretch who cleans some drunken idiot who shit herself doesn't make me a bad guy.
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