Full Version: Das Golden Age: Chat thread Version 987: Chatanooga Choo
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i wanna hear how someone gets blacklisted by a vet
i'm sure it has something to do with her being a crazy cat lady.
i know, thats why i want to hear it
she'll blame the cats no doubt
drusilla Wrote:morning

In your case the morning would be the afternoon. I can't wait to be able to make you pancakes at like 4:00pm.
that can be for sundays!
sundays are special pancake days
Keyser Soze Wrote:i wanna hear how someone gets blacklisted by a vet
if anybody else had asked I would gladly tell the story.... you, however, I am not going to waste my time on.
haha, nice!!!
I'd like to know
Heart's Magic Man is playing on the classic rock station..

like they don't play that song enuff
do you listen to anything modern?

and the 80's aren't modern.
oh man bang the gong was on when i pulled up in front of work today & i couldn't sit & listen to it cause i was already 10 minutes late.
I am currently listening to "my boogie shoes"
GonzoStyle Wrote:do you listen to anything modern?

and the 80's aren't modern.

Of course ! I just prefer the classics
like what kind of modern shit do you listen to?

Im not being a jerk, just curious.
GonzoStyle Wrote:like what kind of modern shit do you listen to?

Im not being a jerk, just curious.

what you want names? That's too hard. I don't know what you kids are listening to these days. I do know there is a lot of modern rock that I'd much rather have my ears poked with sharp objects than listen to..
But I like variety. Is Beck or Rob Zombie modern? Cause I like them !
well its not a matter of what the kids listen to, just whatever modern you listen to.
beck is great. i hope she didnt mean jeff beck.
Beck as in "2 turntables and a microphoooooone"
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