Full Version: Peanut Butter
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well if you have like 5 oranges yeah, but I have one a day.

plus the citrus is a good fat burner and thats the only sugar I have.
how long until you look for a job?
HedCold Wrote:how long til me and gonzo cross weights?

It's honestly how I started gaining weight in the first place, being unemployed, sitting home all day, nothing to do, hit the gym before its too late.
a few more weeks
plus theres also a contractor job i'll be able to do from home if i don't have a job by the time this runs out
GonzoStyle Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:how long til me and gonzo cross weights?

It's honestly how I started gaining weight in the first place, being unemployed, sitting home all day, nothing to do, hit the gym before its too late.
my weights actually been pretty steady since i've been done with college. i gained most of it there and just haven't lost it
HedCold Wrote:a few more weeks
plus theres also a contractor job i'll be able to do from home if i don't have a job by the time this runs out

lets hope its not producing podcasts
HAHa dweebface
I forgot to bring lunch to work, so I was at the gym and picked up a peanut butter protein bar, good stuff.
that's fake peanut butter.
it tasted like peanut butter and thats all that matters
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