Full Version: the Doors board is no more
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no one listens to goat
oh man, you better guard your grill now!
this thread sucks.

yeah, I'm ripping off Arpi, sue me.
he just might, best watch your back.
Would you like to explain to everyone Luna, why you would e-mail the admin of the DB the other day to complain about mod abuses, a board you supposedly hate and don't want to hear about anymore?

Who do you think you're kidding here, you hypocrite coward?
I can explain it hoon, Luna is a crazy cat lady
Luna is two faced making her double unsexy!
Hoon Wrote:Would you like to explain to everyone Luna, why you would e-mail the admin of the DB the other day to complain about mod abuses, a board you supposedly hate and don't want to hear about anymore?

Who do you think you're kidding here, you hypocrite coward?
are you a moron?

I owe you no explanations for nothing. Mind your own buisness.

You'll get nothing and LIKE it.

oh yeah and he who laughs last laughs the loudest. HAHAHAHAHA.
Hoon might be pro-Bush but he's totally working against the white trash middle aged single woman base.
Hoon Wrote:Would you like to explain to everyone Luna, why you would e-mail the admin of the DB the other day to complain about mod abuses, a board you supposedly hate and don't want to hear about anymore?

Who do you think you're kidding here, you hypocrite coward?

who's single?
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hoon might be pro-Bush but he's totally working against the white trash middle aged single woman base.

and the crazy cat lady vote...oh and the really ugly english women vote as well
faceman802 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hoon might be pro-Bush but he's totally working against the white trash middle aged single woman base.

and the crazy cat lady vote...oh and the really ugly english women vote as well

same thing
nuh uh
do they read people's PMs on the doors board?
oooh, Hoon was a big board mod for what? 3 weeks? BAHAHAAA!

Hoon is like board kryptonite... whenever he is put in a position of authority the board automatically closes within a month.

Luna Wrote:oooh, Hoon was a big board mod for what? 3 weeks? BAHAHAAA!

Hoon is like board kryptonite... whenever he is put in a position of authority the board automatically closes within a month.


I gotta side with Hoon here, if the few fucking knuckleheads who found there way here was an actual representation of what was on that board it should have closed a long fucking time ago
I think Luna's pathetic attempt to project her disdain for DB discussions here is pathetic.

She's putting on a show for you folks but I have a feeling you all know better. She is obsessed with the DB.
faceman802 Wrote:
Luna Wrote:oooh, Hoon was a big board mod for what? 3 weeks? BAHAHAAA!
Hoon is like board kryptonite... whenever he is put in a position of authority the board automatically closes within a month.
I gotta side with Hoon here, if the few fucking knuckleheads who found there way here was an actual representation of what was on that board it should have closed a long fucking time ago
The DB's who arrived here did so because they were removed for being outspoken about their shabbiness instead of accepting their role and remaining easily overlooked.
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