Full Version: the Doors board is no more
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you'de win more votes if you just said they were banned for stupidity
That doesn't encompass the true depths of their insignificance.

If I have one fault though, it is not being able to resist poking them with sticks.
Hoon Wrote:I think Luna's pathetic attempt to project her disdain for DB discussions here is pathetic.

She's putting on a show for you folks but I have a feeling you all know better. She is obsessed with the DB.
I think you're just pissy that your personal cess pool got closed and it's much easier to blame everybody else for it rather than looking at the reality of the situation.

I had nothing to do with you board closing. deal with it... or I know! we can blame Clinton for it!

wait so the whole doors board is closed or just the general discussion?

is hoon now powerless, like superman 2?
He just needs to reverse the polarity of the chamber, and have it keep him protected while cancelling out the others. Unless the Donner version doesn't go that route.
GonzoStyle Wrote:wait so the whole doors board is closed or just the general discussion?

is hoon now powerless, like superman 2?

are you insinuating that modship is a super power?
The Garden is closed. It's an off shoot of the main Doors page because the shit that goes on in the Garden has nothing to do with The Doors.

The first page is for psychotic, band obsessed groupies who contemplate what Jim would be doing these days. The Garden was for discussions like those that take place here.

And don't let anyone fool you. I held as much influence before I was modded as I did after. I could really care less that the board is gone now. There are plenty of places to go and hang with the cooler folks from the board. Who it's really bothering are the snaps types who clearly live their life for that board and that's why I am getting so much enjoyment from this
Oh, and if you'll notice Luna still hasn't denied e-mailing the DB admins the other day and whining like a common law wife who just got slapped by her live in boyfriend.

But remember folks, she can't stand any talk concerning the DB!! LAWL!
How's brokenjaw's board?
funsnapsdyno Wrote:How's brokenjaw's board?
You will never know, you spaghetti sucking hobo blower!
funsnapsdyno Wrote:How's brokenjaw's board?

Hoon Wrote:Oh, and if you'll notice Luna still hasn't denied e-mailing the DB admins the other day and whining like a common law wife who just got slapped by her live in boyfriend.

But remember folks, she can't stand any talk concerning the DB!! LAWL!
I don't need to confirm or deny anything to you. It's none of your buisness who I correspond to or with... yet you can't get this through your thick head.

I'll say it one more time for you... s-l-o-w-l-y so you can comprehend it: It's none of your buisness.

Stop saying you don't care and yet you contradict yourself by pointing fingers and casting blame.
I'm not whining, I'm just calling you out.
I choose not to sit by and let to pretned you're sincere and honest when you say you hate hearing about or discussing the DB in here.

Something you did at least twice in this very thread.
It's pathetic and I get a kick out of you running from it.
Hoon Wrote:I'm not whining, I'm just calling you out.
I choose not to sit by and let to pretned you're sincere and honest when you say you hate hearing about or discussing the DB in here.

Something you did at least twice in this very thread.
It's pathetic and I get a kick out of you running from it.
yeah, I am sincere about this bullshit.

Enough of this doors board shit already. That's what you fucktards have done since day 1 on every other board that IS NOT the doors board.... you infest the place like cockroaches and make thousands of threads ABOUT THE DOORS BOARD AND WHY IS IT DOWN OR WHATTHE FUCK EVER. and then when your board comes back you have to make that big announcement to everybody to log out and come back to the doors board. Grow a brain.

enough already.
We welcome the persecuted members of former messageboards.

Or just the cripples, jews, and mentally inadequate.
I would like to request that Snaps come into this thread, call someone Goinzo and bring interst back into this argument....who's with me?
I am only giving you a chance to explain why, if you don't want to hear about the DB, if you really want nothing to do with it as you claimed in thsi thread... why then would you just a few days ago e-mail the admin with a long, rambling complaint about how it's being run?

On the face it's as two faced as someone can get.
I'm just giving you a chance to clear it up, unless it just is as it seems..
That you really are two faced and highly concerned with the DB.
faceman802 Wrote:I would like to request that Snaps come into this thread, call someone Goinzo and bring interst back into this argument....who's with me?
I would like to state that I don't even GET what "Goinzo" means and furthermore, NBT is a product of Luna's back pages, not the DB.

Snaps on the otherhand, is from the DB.
And I am ashamed to admit it.
Hoon Wrote:I am only giving you a chance to explain why, if you don't want to hear about the DB, if you really want nothing to do with it as you claimed in thsi thread... why then would you just a few days ago e-mail the admin with a long, rambling complaint about how it's being run?

On the face it's as two faced as someone can get.
I'm just giving you a chance to clear it up, unless it just is as it seems..
That you really are two faced and highly concerned with the DB.
I owe YOU nothing.

I owe you NO explanations.

All I will give you is I was asked to give my input. I did. You don't like that? too bad. Suck it up.

Build a bridge, sweet heart.
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