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I wasn't referring to goatweed, just a goat
I win.
He's a known liar, I saw him schmoozing with hoon.
you have a known liar as your Consiegliegliare?
sure, you used to be my consiegliegliare, so its a step up.
words hurt.
so does the truth
it's ok goat, hoon is taking my place soon
Nah, Hoon has been tainted.
I thought were were pals again, what's with all this mean spiritedness now?
Goatweed Wrote:I thought were were pals again, what's with all this mean spiritedness now?

just to keep you in check, i know your ways!
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:I thought were were pals again, what's with all this mean spiritedness now?

just to keep you in check, i know your ways!

I never changed, what ways are you talkin' about?!?!
what are you, snaps?

I gotta explain myself to you now?
this wont end well
GonzoStyle Wrote:what are you, snaps?

I gotta explain myself to you now?

no, I'm lump-free.

what fuckin' ways?
This joint is all "posturing", truly. The guys act like eunuchs and the wimmen act like dykes.

I'm just pointing something in your direction....women take seriously what men poke at them in fun.
what the fuck are you babbling about?
Fuck man!!! I'm not an interpreter.
Well i'm not versed in stupid, so someone needs to explain that.
Learn a new dance or make dumber friends.
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