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If you recall, I posted a picture of Dookie after one of your heartwrenching stories in the "childhood memories" thread.
Oh man, i thought that was michael, i felt so bad ass.

way to ruin it!!!
House is on tonight. I defy you not to watch it.
Abster Wrote:House is on tonight. I defy you not to watch it.

I'm not watching it.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Abster Wrote:House is on tonight. I defy you not to watch it.

I'm not watching it.

You'll live to regret that
if you said "i'll blow you while you watch" then I may have regretted it, otherwise u'll live.
Blow what? Ain't nuttin' there.
Except for some prime cut bison meat!
Bison? Never had it. Is it better than a tuna roll?
Bison is the best thing ever!

I'm gonna have some today with a side of air baked fries.
More details. Compared to beef, ostrich it's different how?
compared to beef it tastes better, has less calories, much much less fat, more protein.

It's different from ostrich cause its a fuckin bison!
I hate you so much. Is it dry?
it's as juicy as a cunt when I get to punching it with the magic fist.
A answer would have been to compare it with something I have. Thanks for nothing.
I like to point out your shortcomings
I like to point at yours too. Sorry about the laughing.
2 inches of dangling fury!!!
dangly bits. Gross!
It tastes like butterscotch though, you should give it a whirl.
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