Quote:See, there's a perfect example. I do not feel that I am necessarily better than anyone. Just that I am different. I don't calculate and scheme with everything I say. I don't censor my thoughts, nor my posts, based on what others might think. Rather, I look at things in a bit more simple manner. I don't overanalyze anything, I take most things at face value. When slash posted, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.", the first thing that popped into my head was "I will choose free will". To which everyone said, if you choose free will, then why post a poll? Problem is that post was totally out of context and nobody got the joke. Or, they overanalyzed why I might post that particular phrase.
Honestly, I don't know why I'm bothering to explain this. None of you care to know me, or understand anything other than the fact that I'm an asshole with no positive contribution to the board. Well, I defy you to provide decisive evidence to support that. I've posted over 200 times, and I don't think that the majority of those posts have been negative. I think that you people harp on the 5% of them that are negative.
Well k1d, you are wrong. I HAVE tried to talk with you, and used to do it with a completely open mind. Your board persona has gotten worse in the last few months and especially after getting deleted from oa.com. And you're going to try and tell ME about people not getting what you mean? HELLO!! I'm the fucking kind of being misunderstood here. NO ONE gets whats going on in my head. But I still continue to post anyhow. Do I care if you or anyone else for that matter understands me? No! My whole thing with people not getting to know ME (pay attention here SLASH) was a joke. That's not true at all. There's alot of people who haven't taken the time, but most have taken time to talk to me. And know that most of what I post is joking. Yes, I get emotional sometimes, but that's only because thats me, and I am friends with alot of people here, and I care what happens on this board.
Quote:May May, dear... He never said he thought on a HIGHER level, he said he thought on a DIFFERENT level.
Yes SLASH, but I take that as an insult. Is he implying that I CANT understand him? Why can't I?
I understood the reference to "Freewill". I've had jokes that no one got, and I didn't feel the need to explain them.
You are so caught up on people not undestanding you, or getting upset the people make blanket statements about you that you don't realize you do the exact same fucking thing about everyone else.
Not that you are on a "higher" level, but a different. What the hell makes you think that? What you ever done that so different than anyone else? You don't think that if I felt like it, I couldn't pull of the Kid schtick? Or anyone else couldn't for that matter? You give yourself too much credit. You're not different. You're not special. There's nothing that I've seen on either board that makes you any different from anyone else except for your constant harping about all issues and all opinions regarding you.
You think that no one could understand your vast intelligence, or success? You'd be surprised who posts. Like Luna said, the people who have it, don't feel the need to brag about it.
Face it son, you are not special, different, smarter, funnier, or more talented than all here. The only thing that sticks out about you is the fact that you contsantly bitch about EVERYTHING, which very few people do. If that's what you want to be known for, then kudos to you. If you say, you don't care what people say or think about you, then bullshit. If you didn't you wouldn't harp on these issues incessantly, you wouldn't post polls as an affirmation, youwouldn't make such an ordeal of leaving or returning to a site, you wouldn't do a lot of the things you do.<font size=1 color=white>
Edited By Galt on April 12 2002 at 12:21
My sense of humor as well as my posts, are lost on you people.
Quote:My sense of humor as well as my posts, are lost on you people.
Wow k1d, for someone who thrives on arguing, you really argue your case well here. We're no match for your intellect.
Quote:Yes SLASH, but I take that as an insult. Is he implying that I CANT understand him? Why can't I?
Quote:Not that you are on a "higher" level, but a different. What the hell makes you think that?
I think the reason that none of you can understand Kid is because you aren't a whiteman trapped in a black man's body. I am a black jew trapped in Cousin It's body, I know the pain.
Quote:You're not different. You're not special.
I beg to differ, we are ALL unique snowflakes. Well, except for Magus.
I'm not wasting any more time on this. When kid starts posting meaningful interesting posts like he used to then i'll communicate with him on the board again.
The love me daddy, look at me i'm misunderstood bullshit i'm not gonna contribute to.
Quote:The love me daddy, look at me i'm misunderstood bullshit i'm not gonna contribute to.
So you're going to drop that act too then? {

Quote:NO ONE gets whats going on in my head
i wont pretend that i am not hurt by this
Quote:So you're going to drop that act too then?
Why, did you start a support group? Attention Whores Anonymous?
If you did, you'd be the AA equivalent of Bill W.
I've never seen anyone bitch as much as Kid over nothing. I mean for God's sake, anyone who starts a thread asking what people think of him should be fitted for a noose. Kid thinks we care about him more than we really do.
Quote:Bill Weld?
Bill Walton?
Bill West of Futurama, Ren and Stimpy and Howard Stern fame.
Bill Wilson, founder of AA.
Quote:Kid thinks we care about him more than we really do.
Ease up their ya little shut-in. I didn't ask anyone to care about me, I just posed a question to the group. Nobody had to answer, but many did. So, apparently some people cared, at least they cared enough to reply.
Cause we :loveya: you k1d.
I noticed you actually started some cool threads Kid, you are off the hook. Now its time to work on Maynard.
Quote:Some of the most intelligent people in history were not popular because they were misunderstood. I don't expect you people to understand me. In fact, I'm not sure you could. I think on a different level and come from a different perspective than you've probably ever been exposed to.
AAARRRGHHH!!! Oh.. the PAIN!! Someone.....please...... his ego... it's soo big... it's got me...pinned down.... help... I ...can't.... breathe........ need.... room.... whieght.. too.. great...... conciousness.......... fading........................................... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Quote:I beg to differ, we are ALL unique snowflakes. Well, except for Magus.
just HAD to get that dig in, eh Slashy??
And here's a debate-worthy topic... if noone other than you finds something funny... is it really funny, or do you just have a poor sense of humor?
Quote:I noticed you actually started some cool threads Kid, you are off the hook.
![[Image: band_aid.gif]](http://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns/march96/band_aid.gif)
Quote:just HAD to get that dig in, eh Slashy??
Edited By SLASH on April 12 2002 at 4:21
Quote:And here's a debate-worthy topic... if noone other than you finds something funny... is it really funny, or do you just have a poor sense of humor?
Are you laughing at your hadicapable co-workers again, Magus?
And, Kid, You know how I feel about this...
Some of these tools won't admit it, but you were missed when you were gone.
And you were welcomed back, as you should've been.
:poopain: i actually enjoy kid's posts here. who cares what the fucker thinks. or what you think. it's fuckin words on a page...the attributed meanings are completely based on your perceptions...and I ask you...are they always correct??? :poke: just my little contribution to this thread.
