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Real name: Witherspoon
Age: 33
Dead relatives: None.
Profession: Finance
Claim to fame:
-Related to Rutgers phenom, Brian Leonard
-Got the DB shut down to satisfy my ego
Hoon, where did you go to college again and what did you major in?
-St. Lawrence University
-Criminal justice
Galt Wrote:your brother is pissed that you forgot him.

dammit. i'm screwed. his ghost is going to come back & like hide my toothpaste or something.
Hoon Wrote:-St. Lawrence University
-Criminal justice

Were you going to be a cop too?
Abster Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:-St. Lawrence University
-Criminal justice
Were you going to be a cop too?
Prohbation officer.
But then I was asked to leave because I was implicated in a cigarette smuggling ring over the US / Canadian Border. It brought disgrace to the school and with that on my record I had no chance in law enforcement.

So, I joined the U.S Army.
I call bullshit.
I don't care.
Yes, you do. When were you in the army?
im watching you got served on i think usa.
Billy Ray Valentine, Capricorn!
that was quite the long lunch you went on
I forgot my protein at home, all I have for lunch is an orange Sad

I was busy at work, crazy right?
very. i woke up at 12:41 & you were already gone.
this is why you have dinner at 2:00am!!
i skipped breakfast today & made a sandwich about 20 minutes ago. so today i might actually have dinner at a normalish time. (probably not before 8 though)
I cant wait to get out of here, all I had today was fiber in the morning and those fucking oranges. I need something before the gym or i'll smash my fuckin head into the bars like last week.
i have claimed to work on bway shows but am actually a tuna boat captain working out of biloxi, miss.
I am uber gay and if you need further proof.

I am currently listening to "Never Ever" By All Saints.
dont forget the apple martini thing. very gay
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