<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thetailsection.com/lost_news/stephen_king_explains_how_he_w.php">http://www.thetailsection.com/lost_news ... w_he_w.php</a><!-- m -->
wow, it's all a dream. That's a new one. I'm sure the writers of Dallas and St. Elsewhere wished they thought of that.
yeah i thought it was pretty lame as well. i hope abrams has something better up his sleeve.
Keyser Soze Wrote:<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thetailsection.com/lost_news/stephen_king_explains_how_he_w.php">http://www.thetailsection.com/lost_news ... w_he_w.php</a><!-- m -->
this is why i don't read that cripply fucker anymore. he hasn't had an original idea in years.