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ducktales was great. darkwing duck too.
ducktales ahhwoohoo
muppet babies, mighty mouse, looney tunes, tom and jerry, gi joe, richie rich and transformers
I happen to love comic books. Ever since I watched the George Reeves Superman series, I have been totally hooked ever since. Not every comic book fan does things like argue over who would beat who in a fight. Plus, not all comic books have characters in spandex. The Preacher series is a great read that has nothing to do with superheroes.

I hate cheetos.

I watched Voltron, G.I. Joe, Transformers, and The Superfriends.
im fascinated with comic book art, especially the graphic novels. i think its beautiful artwork. i'm not really so much into comic books but i can really appreciate how talented some of the artists are.
For me, a comic book has to look good, or it ruins the experience for me. But, if the story sucks, I give the book away to kids.
Keyser Soze Wrote:im fascinated with comic book art, especially the graphic novels. i think its beautiful artwork. i'm not really so much into comic books but i can really appreciate how talented some of the artists are.

if you have a library card try and get a copy of Alex Ross's Mythology:the DC Comics art of Alex Ross. He is the premier comic book artist out there today and the book is amazing with his finished work, sketches from now and when he was in his teens and story about how he became an artist and why it is important to him. It's a great read and it's even better if you just want to look at the pictures
cool thanks, i'm a big fan of piersanti, who isnt a comic book artist but does his work in a pop art style.

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i was really into comic books for exactly a year circa 92. it was right at the beginning of the image comics launch and i stood outside many a comic book signing getting my shadowhawk and youngblood comics signed. too bad todd macfarlane never showed up at the local store as spawn was my favorite. after a while i realized i mostly got comics cause my friends did and it became an expensive habit for my parents, so one week instead of getting my weekly comics that i barely read, i bought the road runner SNES game. that was the end of my nerd hobbies. the next year my friends were really into the NBA which i adopted and have enjoyed sports ever since.
I used to do a lot of things my friends did just because that's what they did. Then one day I said to myself, I'm really starting to hate pretending to like those 2-3 niggers that are supposedly part of this little group. Shaved my head, carved a swaztika into my forehead, and the rest is history.
Keyser Soze Wrote:im fascinated with comic book art, especially the graphic novels. i think its beautiful artwork. i'm not really so much into comic books but i can really appreciate how talented some of the artists are.

If this is quality posting, shoot me now.
funsnapsdyno Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:im fascinated with comic book art, especially the graphic novels. i think its beautiful artwork. i'm not really so much into comic books but i can really appreciate how talented some of the artists are.

If this is quality posting, shoot me now.

It's a well thought out description of someone's thoughts and feelings, so basically everything your posts aren't
Let us now compare 3rd grade math test scores!
I only had my IQ tested once, and that was for a job interview on Wall St. (no joke). They wouldn't tell anyone what they got, for whatever reason, but I'm very curious.
True story!
I think IQ tests are bullshit.

Also, it seems, the higher the IQ number, the less common sense the person has.

IQ tests to me are just a measurement of how much useless information your brain can hold.
Jack Wrote:Also, it seems, the higher the IQ number, the less common sense the person has.

LOL! Gonzo has 135
LOL, Inorite!!!!
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