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I'm hoping Gooch or some other person familiar with macs might be able to help with this...

I've got file sharing enabled on my mac mini and i'm able to connect to the drive on the mini with my macbook, but i can't seem to see or connect to the USB drive i've got connected to it.

Is there anything i'm missing here?

I've already cleaned the scuzzi throughly, by the way.
USB needs software downloaded for it to be mounted, perhaps???? go to USB drive makers website and look for any kind of download.
its a western digital 160 gig my book.

i see some software there but nothing mac specific for anything but backup utilities.

i tried that sharepoints software i told you about but it didnt seem to work.
nevermind, i finally got it working with sharepoints.
i bet it just needed time for the cleaning solvents to fully evaporate off the scuzzi.
thats exactly what it was
at least you cleaned it. so many people dont even bother and then the trouble begins. good for you!