Full Version: Best excuse, ever..
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So my wife's aunt married this guy in the military.
He's done tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and this May he got shot in the arm while searching a cave in Afghansitan.

Now that he's home and all healed up, everytime someone gets on his case he's all like, 'Hey, I got shot in the arm'. Or when someone asks him to pass the salt he says, 'I would, if i hadn't gotten shot in the arm'. Today we were throwing wood in for in-laws and he showed up, he said, 'I'd help you but I got shot in the arm'. He does it jokingly but he's still got a pretty good case. I wish I'd get shot in the arm by an enemy of freedom.
you think i'm fucking kidding, don't you.

check out the pics in his myspace page.

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i'd laugh but he got shot in the arm
only guys who got shot in the arm can look him directly in the eyes now.
go stick up a 7-11, that's the best chance i got of being shot by an evil doer
my best friend does this, excepts it's: "i had a brain tumor"

and she too only uses it in a joking fashion.
but its true...and makes people feel bad.
my buddy is a great guy and its totally a joke so it doesn't bother me. i try to play along but 'i'm colorblind', just doesn't hold the same weight.

like when im forgetful of something im all like "oh..i forgot"

doesn't hold water to "oh, i forgot cause i lost a lot of my short term memory, CAUSE THEY CUT TROUGH MY BRAIN."
funsnaps says "my dad died of Cancer", yet no one seems to care.
Galt Wrote:funsnaps says "my dad died of Cancer", yet no one seems to care.

kinda like when you discuss your herpes to anyone that'll listen?
i would find this thread funny, but I HAD A STROKE!
It was a self-induced COKE stroke, so nobody gives a flying fuck.
i hadnt done coke for a longtime when i had my stroke, dolt
So says you, poopie head.
this poopie head does say, dingleberry
And the poopiehead-dingleberry back-and-forth continues!
What credible reason is there for a person under sixty years-old to stroke out, shit breath?
Ask Tedy Bruschi.
Mad Wrote:What credible reason is there for a person under sixty years-old to stroke out, shit breath?

heredity, diet, a chamber of the heart not closing properly after birth (a defect that occurs in a quarter of the population), a platelet disfunction, and a few more.
you will seem less stupid if you know a little bit about the subject you are discussing. try it.
Whatever, birth defect riddled geezer.
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