Full Version: that whackbagkid!!!
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is an elitist scum person!!!!

just so everyone knows, mr. fuckin cameo apperances and lies about coming back!
a show of hands of those who care. anybody? anybody?

thought not.
He went on to greener pastures. No fights, no arguments, no jews.
hey look, arpi is being a bitter old coot, how refreshing!
i am elated that my posts leave you feeling refreshed!
your posts are like a Summer's Eve.
he should be stripped of his 2005 Poster Of The Year award and it should go to the runner up.
i did not lie about coming back, i said i was leaving.
pssssh on you and your 5 minute apperances.
i was there for an hour!
<img src="">
HollywoodJewMoses Wrote:i was there for an hour!

10 minutes tops, you sat there and said stuff and then left.
keyser actually had to make a picture of me and save it on his computer to do that.

it does not get any creepier.
none more creepy!
true enough
Never too late to get a restraining order against Keyser.
you hear that ladies?
does it cover photoshopping him?
If it's unwanted attention, then yes.
sounds like you're familiar with this sort of thing
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