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anything for you
Oh, he HAS to wear the helmet!! :crackhead:
i'm bored, who wants to entertain me? :bouncer:
1:26....... how's work? start yet?
oh, were we supposed to do the time thing um, 1:34 i've worked a few shifts now, it's pretty cool, really laid back. unfortunately not very busy, so the money's no better than my unemployment, i'm hoping that's just the weather factor though and things should pick up soon... fingers crossed {Big Grin}
2:23 - i am going to pee
2:28 I don't know why I am staying awake. :poke:
2:46 i think i need to go get more beer :toast:
So this is what 4 am looks like.... having some water, watching Insomniac Music Theatre on Vh1 ......... 4.08
oh please, i've seen you at 4 am before. hmm, maybe you don't remember that :toast: {Wink} {:p} um, 4:20 :disappointed:
Oh, I've been up this late, yes. Just not without :toast: or :fuggin: or :fucking: So this is new. 4.21
ok, 5.16..... I have to leave in 2 hrs weeeeeeee Confuseduicide:
5:56 where ya going?
7:32 .........i've been up for 2 hours

ladi, i would have to assume that you had a sleepless night.
morning, i'm going to bed soon :bouncer: um, 7:35
top o' the morning to you crx. it's 7:36 and i'm contemplating going back to bed
yeah, it's bed time 7:46 Confusedleeper:
Quote:And those margaritas you always yap about....
a.k.a. LZMF1's super duper heavy duty liquid panty removers

8:06 time to eat breakfast
8:30am - It looks like a bomb exploded on my desk.
Quote:5:56 where ya going?
to work ....... 8.38 I'm here now

that hour of rest I had today was the most comfortable I've been in ages, hope I make it the whole day today.... I might be Confusedleeper: on my desk.
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