Full Version: Merry Xmas, Gentiles...
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Wanted to share this as you open your winter pagan ritual of good will towards buying gifts and being good consumers. I shall be eating Chinese food and watching DVDs in Jew freedom.
Jew really mean it when you say Merry X-Mas?

(Goat, see what I did there?)
i'm muggin santa tonight
isn't it easier to just wait for Santa to drop off your balloons of Choco thru the chimney?
Merry Christmas faggots - at the very least may you all get laid (I did YAY GO ME!!)
i have my future mohter-in-law staying with us thru the holidays. I have a better chance of getting my rocks off in a blender. merry fuckin christmas.
I bought my brothers girlfriend a blender for Christmas, now when she opens it I'm gonna think about you getting off with it. Thanks.
then don't let me mention what i did with the hand blender.
please don't - at least wait a day or so.
thanks christ killer
damn that mel gibson, we didnt kill him!!!
after being in my house all day while we had our christmas eve fish, i went to my friends house and my friends couldn't sit next to me because i wreaked of fish. i was like that asian kid in school who always smelled awful. i didn't even notice it while i was home.
I was just given a rusty trombone for Christmas